Converting 24-bit ROM addresses to SNES addresses By Dark Twilkitri Take Gandolf's speech (before he kills Mideel) - it is at ROM address 31:97BC. However, the SNES likes totally absolute addresses (that is, a 24 bit address) to be above 800000, for some reason. You fix this by adding 800000. So your address is now B1 97 BC. Also, SNES ROMs have a header which is 0x200 bytes big, so you have to take that off the ROM address since carts don't have headers. So now your address is B1 95 BC. Finally, the 65816 stores addresses in reverse. If there's a reason for this, I don't know it. In any case, just reverse (the bytes. THE BYTES. NOT THE NUMBERS) it. This will give you BC 95 B1 (NOTE how it is not CB 59 1B). This is your SNES address. So, the SNES address for Gandolf's speech would be BC 95 91.