Fire Emblem 4 Hacking Documentation By Dark Twilkitri Section: Structures Dynamic Character Data Structure 00: Character Type (List) 01: Class (List) 02: Level 03: Lo Character Number (List) 04: Hi Character Number (List) 05: Lo Character Name (List) 06: Hi Character Name (List) 07: Unit Number 08: Gender (List) 09: Equipment (List) 0A: Equipment (List) 0B: Major Influence (List) Lists - see 'data/characterinformation.txt'. Example: Celice ------ 012C 0119 0018 0001 001F FF01 01: He is a dynamic character. 2C: He is a Junior Lord. 01: He is Level 1. 19 00: He is character number 0019. 18 00: He uses name 0018. 01: He is unit number 01, and therefore the army leader, and gets to sit in the throne in the castle, among other things. 00: He is male. 09: He has a Thin Sword. FF: He has no second item. 01: His major influence was his father.