Fire Emblem 4 Hacking Documentation By Dark Twilkitri Section: Structures Holy Character Data Structure 00: Character Type (List) 01: Maximum HP 02: Power Base Stat Addition 03: Magic Base Stat Addition 04: Skill Base Stat Addition 05: Speed Base Stat Addition 06: Defence Base Stat Addition 07: Magic Defence Base Stat Addition 08: Luck Base Stat Addition 09: Class (List) 0A: Level 0B: Leadership 0C: ???? 0D: Lo Character Number (List) 0E: Hi Character Number (List) 0F: Lo Character Name (List) 10: Hi Character Name (List) 11: ???? 12: Gender (List) 13: ???? 14: HP Growth 15: Power Growth 16: Magic Growth 17: Skill Growth 18: Speed Growth 19: Defence Growth 1A: Magic Defence Growth 1B: Luck Growth 1C: Skill 1 (Bitwise) 1D: Skill 2 (Bitwise) 1E: Skill 3 (Bitwise) 1F: Blood 1 (Bitwise) 20: Blood 2 (Bitwise) 21: Blood 3 (Bitwise) 22: Blood 4 (Bitwise) 23: Enemy Equipment (List) 24: Enemy Equipment (List) 25: Winnable Equipment (List) Lists & Flags - 'data/characterinformation.txt'. Example: Eltosian -------- 023C 0602 0606 060A 0009 1405 015A 0059 0081 0000 6400 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0080 0014 1DFF 02: He is a holy character. 3C: He starts with 0x3C, or 60, HP. 06: He starts with +6 Power. 02: He starts with +2 Magic. 06: He starts with +6 Skill. 06: He starts with +6 Speed. 06: He starts with +6 Defence. 0A: He starts with +6 Magic Defence. 00: He starts with +0 Luck. 09: He is a Male Paladin. 14: He is Level 0x14, or 20. 05: He has 5 Leadership Stars. 01: ???? 5A 00: He is character number 005A. 59 00: He uses name number 0059. 81: ???? 00: He is male. 00: ???? 64 00 00 00 00 00 00 00: Growth is irrelevant. 00 00 00: He has no skills. 00 00 80 00: He has major Hezul Blood. 14: He has the Mistoltin. 1D: He has a Steel Lance. FF: He has no winnable equipment.