Fire Emblem 4 Hacking Documentation By Dark Twilkitri Section: Structures Static Character Data Structure 00: Character Type (List) 01: Maximum HP 02: Power Base Stat Addition 03: Magic Base Stat Addition 04: Skill Base Stat Addition 05: Speed Base Stat Addition 06: Defence Base Stat Addition 07: Magic Defence Base Stat Addition 08: Luck Base Stat Addition 09: Class (List) 0A: Level 0B: Leadership 0C: Starting Money / 1000 0D: Lo Character Number (List) 0E: Hi Character Number (List) 0F: Lo Character Name (List) 10: Hi Character Name (List) 11: Unit Number 12: Gender (List) 13: ???? 14: HP Growth 15: Power Growth 16: Magic Growth 17: Skill Growth 18: Speed Growth 19: Defence Growth 1A: Magic Defence Growth 1B: Luck Growth 1C: Skill 1 (Bitwise) 1D: Skill 2 (Bitwise) 1E: Skill 3 (Bitwise) 1F: Blood 1 (Bitwise) 20: Blood 2 (Bitwise) 21: Blood 3 (Bitwise) 22: Blood 4 (Bitwise) 23: Equipment (List) 24: Equipment (List) 25: Equipment (List) Lists & Flags - see 'data/characterinformation.txt'. Example: Sigurd ------ 0023 0400 0405 0200 0706 0502 0501 0000 0001 0000 461E 051E 1E28 0514 0200 0002 0000 0007 2DFF 00: He is a static character. 23: He starts with 0x23, or 35, HP. 04: He starts with +4 Power. 00: He starts with +0 Magic. 04: He starts with +4 Skill. 05: He starts with +5 Speed. 02: He starts with +2 Defence. 00: He starts with +0 Magic Defence. 07: He starts with +7 Luck. 06: He is a Lord Knight. 05: He is Level 5. 02: He has 2 Leadership Stars. 05: He starts with 5000 gold. 01 00: He is character number 0001. 00 00: He uses name number 0000. 01: He is unit number 01, and therefore the army leader, and gets to sit in the throne in the castle, among other things. 00: He is male. 00: ???? 46: He has a 70% chance of increasing HP at level-up. 1E: He has a 30% chance of increasing Power at level-up. 05: He has a 5% chance of increasing Magic at level-up. 1E: He has a 30% chance of increasing Skill at level-up. 1E: He has a 30% chance of increasing Speed at level-up. 28: He has a 40% chance of increasing Defence at level-up. 05: He has a 5% chance of increasing Magic Defence at level-up. 14: He has a 20% chance of increasing Luck at level-up. 02 00 00: He has Pursuit. 02 00 00 00: He has major Baldo Blood. 07: He has a Steel Sword. 2D: He has an Iron Spear. FF: He has no third item. The huddled masses verily say: WHAT IS THIS USED FOR? Static characters are characters on your team which don't derive their stats from other characters (ie: First Generation characters, Substitute Second Generation characters). Note that the items in the item list used by characters on your team are not all individual items. If you give two characters Iron Swords via item 00, they will have the same Iron Sword, literally, meaning that when one person uses it, the uses on the sword carried by the other person will go down. As far as I can tell, the name numbers are all one less than the character numbers, which makes me wonder why they were used at all.